Monday, September 3, 2007

Saturday PM Reflections

Most of you have heard that we have moved our worship service to Saturday 6 PM at Windsor Heights Community Church (we are purchasing their facility) until Feb. 1 at which time we can switch back to Sunday AM. Why are we doing this?

  1. The Harlem School strike forced us to find another location temporarily and it was natural to go to our new facility. We are meeting on Saturday PM because Windsor Heights Community Church is still meeting there on Sunday. We will officially own the building on October 18 when we close.

  2. We save approximately $1,000 per week by going to Saturday PM.

  3. The leadership of Windsor Heights Community Church (WHCC) has agreed to charge us nothing from September to October if we would agree to stay on Saturday PM through February 1 so that they can continue to meet on Sunday while we are sharing the building.

I am so excited to be in our new facility this soon. Wow ! God is so good to us.


Elastigirl said...

I love what God is doing! Just when we thought we knew when we would be out of Harlem High School God surprised us all and got us out much earlier! Proverbs 16:9 "The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps." May the Lord continue to direct every step of the work here at Harvest and bring in a harvest of souls in Rockford!

Anonymous said...

This is good news. I'll be praying for easy transitions and patience for all. Happy to be a part of those who prayed to see God provide. His lovingkindness endures forever.

Dustin & Heidi Greenup said...

John, thanks for the sermon a while back on the Character of God:Patience. Heidi and I didn't hear much of Dan's sermon this week because we just got back from Ethiopia a few weeks back and are still learning to live life with a new 1 year old boy. We chose to listen to the sermon on patience because it is so necessary to be mindful of His patience with us as we learn to train, instruct, and teach our child in the ways of the Lord.
Thanks again! We like to keep posted on our friends in other places!
Dustin and Heidi Greenup (Spokane, WA)

John Dirkse said...

Hey Greenups!

So exciting to hear of your new child from Ethiopia. Adoption is such a beautiful picture of what God has done for us. May the Lord empower you to parent patiently as He does towards us.