Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Easy and the Hard

Following is easy. Leading is hard.
Losing is easy. Winning is hard.
Talking is easy. Listening is hard.
Watching TV is easy. Reading is hard.
Giving advice is easy. Taking advice is hard.
Flab is easy. Muscle is hard.
Stop is easy. Go is hard.
Dirty is easy. Clean is hard.
Take is easy. Give is hard.
Dream is easy. Think is hard.
Lying is easy. Truth is hard.
Sleeping is easy. Waking is hard.
Talking about Jesus is easy. Praying to God is hard.
Holding a grudge is easy. Forgiving is hard.
Telling a secret is easy. Keeping a secret is hard.
Play is easy. Work is hard.
Falling is easy. Getting up is hard.
Reaction is easy. Action is hard.
Spending is easy. Saving is hard.
Eating is easy. Dieting is hard.
Doubt is easy. Faith is hard.
Laughter is easy. Tears are hard.
Quitting is easy. Perseverance is hard.
Talking a good game is easy. Playing a good game is hard.
Selfishness is easy. Sacrifice is hard.
Calling is easy. Writing a letter is hard.
Hiding a problem is easy. Asking for help is hard.
Blaming others is easy. Taking responsibility is hard.
Living together is easy. Being married is hard.
Fathering a child is easy. Being a dad is hard.
Running away is easy. Showing up is hard.
Promise is easy. Commitment is hard.
Failure is easy. Success is hard.
Criticizing is easy. Taking criticism is hard.
Letting go is easy. Holding on is hard.
Secret sin is easy. Confession is hard.
Pride is easy. Humility is hard.
Excusing oneself is easy. Excusing others is hard.
Borrowing is easy. Paying back is hard.
Sex is easy. Love is hard.
Argument is easy. Negotiation is hard.
Going along is easy. Walking alone is hard.
Cowardice is easy. Courage is hard.
Messy is easy. Neat is hard.
War is easy. Peace is hard.
Sarcasm is easy. Sincerity is hard.
An F is easy. An A is hard.
Growing weeds is easy. Growing flowers is hard.
Having friends is easy. Being a friend is hard.
Dying is easy. Living is hard.
Nothing in life that is good and worthwhile comes easy.

Live Hard!

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