Friday, September 21, 2007


Ask most people to define passion and they will tell you that it is an intense love toward something. However, this definition does not do justice to the word. “Passion” comes from the Latin root “Passus” which means “suffered”. When you feel passion for something, you love it to the point of suffering. Is it any wonder that Passion (with a capitol P) is used to describe Christ’s suffering on the cross? Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to suffer – facing the ultimate adversity of death on the cross. Incidentally, this is why the week before Easter is referred to as Passion Week. Jesus did whatever it took, suffering in the depth of love.

In athletics, a passion is an intense love for the game – to the point of suffering. Champions push themselves to the point of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Why? Because they love the game! They love the challenge of overcoming both internal and external adversities, and are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve their desires! Champions also give all they have for the success of the team by giving their best effort in EVERYTHING and encouraging teammates toward their best as well.

What do you have a passion for? 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

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