Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Making Room

As of October 4, Harvest Bible Chapel will officially go to two services at 9 and 11 AM. It will be an important transition for our church and one that we all want to be ready for. How do we do that?

Choose a service - Have a talk with your spouse, your Life Group, and your friends and decide which service you will attend. Do this ASAP so you can think through your Sunday AM routine.

Lock in - Try to avoid switching your attendance times from week to week, attending the first service one Sunday to attending the second service the next Sunday. Lock in to one so that you begin to connect with your church family.

Don't worry about the Children - Harvest Kids (children's ministry) will be offered both services, staffed with wonderful, loving teachers and caretakers. Our children are the most flexible with life changes so if you are settled with a change of service time and routine, so will your children. Set the standard for them and they will follow.

Arrive 10 minutes early! - Arriving on time means that you will be 10 minutes late for the service after you have found a place to park, checked in your kids, grabbed a cup of coffee, and talked to a few people. Prepare your heart to engage with God and others by arriving early.

Meet someone new each week - The reason we are going to two services is to make room for more people. All these new people are looking for Christian community and fellowship so our hearts need to be large enough to love and receive them.

Are you ready? Get set...

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