Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gearing up for two services

October 4th is going to be a cultural shift for our church. We are going to two services on that date - 9 AM and 11 AM!

God is adding to our number week by week it seems and we need to make room for the growth. Perhaps you've noticed the crowded parking lot or our expanding children's ministry. My office gets converted into a nursery every week to make room for all the babies. Even the auditorium feels full!

All of this is exciting but I know there is a temptation in our hearts to be annoyed and inconvenienced by the expansion to two services since it means that we won't be able to see everyone each week. Those of you who serve on Sunday know that it means more work and sacrifice. Yet, God has given us a mission to fulfill at Harvest Bible Chapel:
Spreading a passion for the supremacy of God and liberating a generation through the life and love of Jesus Christ.
We cannot fulfill the mission if we bar the doors, circle the wagons to protect our intimate fellowship. If we did, we would find ourselves pushing against God who "desires all to be saved and come to repentance" (2 Pet. 3:9). If we desire to impact the city of Rockford with the gospel, we must continue to put aside our personal comforts in view of the kingdom of God and its expansion (Mt. 6:33).

This is a crucial juncture in our church. Will we complain about the inconveniences or praise God for the vibrancy He is giving our church? Will we pull back because of insecurity or step forward in love to serve those who are yearning for Christian fellowship? Will we look longingly backward or forward with eager expectation?

I say we step forward in faith! Just watch God be faithful. Just watch God do "exceedingly beyond all we could ask or think" (Eph. 3:20-21).

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