Saturday, July 11, 2009

Final updates from CR

Hi everyone. We are doing our final packing and finishing up English Camp today. All of us are full of rich experiences - sharing our faith, deepening friendships with people we will never forget, praying for their hearts to soften. It has truly been awesome.

The beauty of a camp like this is that you become good friends with people who have never been close to a single Christian by learning together, playing together, and eating together. It is a perfect environment to share the faith because they begin to trust you and listen to you. Each night after the message, the people gather in small groups to discuss it. These groups can last a whole hour and more. These are atheists or agnostics willing to talk about their objections to Christianity.

Two nights ago, I had the opportunity to speak to a married couple about their spiritual quest. Their questions were very deep but sincere. They were coming to believe that there must be an intelligent force out there since the world around them is designed with such complexity, but they were not ready to accept the Christian God. Last night we continued to talk about God as the wife had tears in her eyes. She was visibly touched but did not "feel" that she was a sinner. God is on the move here and I believe this couple will trust the Savior in time.

The Czech work is slow but steady. One does not advertise in a newspaper or on the radio to plant a church and opening Sunday have over 200 in attendance. You wouldn't even have one! You must plant a church the old fashioned way - one-on-one evangelism. Seeing this has been so invigorating to me. They are reaching people that would never come if they only received a brochure in the mail. Even in Rockford where mass mailings do work, the majority of the people will not want to come. They need someone they can trust to tell them of Christ which means that we need to befriend them.

Research reports that new believers will lose contact with their unbelieving friends in 12 months. They will not know any unbelievers after that. This must change for us if we are to fulfill the mission of God.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for your prayers. God is Great!

Here's an update from Ron...

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