Friday, December 14, 2007

Newest Staff Member!

Back in March, the elders were praying about what to do in the High School ministry as Matt Christiansen was planning to step back after serving for two years. We couldn’t afford to pay a full time HS pastor, and we had no one on the “short list” of potential volunteers. It was at that time that I got a call from Big Harvest in Rolling Meadows. They told me of a man named Mike Warren who was in their School of Ministry and needed a year to season a bit before being sent out as a church planter. It was a godsend for us because the Fellowship promised to underwrite a good portion of his salary and we were provided with a HS pastor and administrative help for an entire year… yet it also meant that another change would occur in the spring of ’08.

As early as May of this year, the elders began planning for this change. I received a call that same month from a friend currently attending seminary (graduates Dec. 07) who had ministered with me in Spokane, Washington. He spoke of his desire to come join me in the work here. The more I talked with him the more excited I became.

The man that I speak of is Andy Tobin. Andy is 27 years old, married to Arianna, has a two-month old son named Liam, and pastored the college ministry back in Spokane. To have him at Harvest is a dream come true because Andy is one of those guys that you just know God will use in big ways. He’s been in the back of my mind to keep watch on out of joyful curiosity, but never did I imagine that God would unite us in ministry together.

Andy and company will arrive in Rockford the first part of February, and he will be employed full-time as Associate Pastor overseeing High School ministry, Life Groups, and various other things that fall to associates. Andy’s first responsibility will be to speak at our Junior High/High School Winter Retreat (Feb. 8-10). If you would like to know more about them, you could follow their blog – (


Roland said...

We too are excited about the Tobins joining you at Harvest. LaNae and I will greatly miss our friendship with them. I was hoping that perhaps the Lord might allow for us to serve together in ministry together, but we are excited that they will be with you and Betsy. We love them, so please take good care of them :)

Anonymous said...

That is so great! We'll be praying for smooth transition for all and God's grace through a new gifted leader.