Friday, December 21, 2007

Every Christians' Library

Every Christian is a theologian; how good of one are you? Theology is the study of God so therefore, when you read the Bible you are doing theology - coming to conclusions about who God is and what He expects. There are are ways to improve your ability as a theologian. Learn from others through book reading. Through books, you can have conversations with great Christian leaders from all over the world and with those who lived centuries before. Let them be your mentor by reading their works.
Here is a list of books that I believe are foundational for every Christian's library...yes, everyone should have a library, not just the pastor.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - Edited by Jerome H. Smith
This is a fabulous cross-referencing tool.

Eerdman’s Handbook to the Bible - Edited by David and Pat Alexander
Handbooks like this one will give you historical background material to help you understand the passage along with lots of pictures and illustrations.

Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties - by Gleason Archer
This book gives solid answers for the passages that seem to contradict other portions of Scripture.

Systematic Theology - by Wayne Grudem
Theology is the study of God which is the great pursuit of every Christian. Wayne Grudem is a man who can take you deeper without boring you or confusing you. This is a very readable book. One doesn’t have to read this book from beginning to end like a novel for it to be effective. It can be used as a reference tool when you have a question about the nature of Christ, divine elction, the formation of the canon, angels, demons, end-times, etc.

Evangelical Dictionary of Theology - Edited by Walter Elwell
When you have a specific question concerning theology, this book is helpful and is alphabetized (of course) for easy access. The book also gives a brief biography on key theologians throughout church history.

International Dictionary of the Christian Church - Edited by J. D. Douglas
This book gives you knowledge of Christian leaders, movements, and events from the first century to the twentieth century.

Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 vol.) - by the Dallas Theological Seminary Faculty
Everyone should have a solid commentary of the whole Bible in their library and this is a good one.

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