Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God at work!

I have been praying and asking others to pray for revival for our church, not because I don't see God at work among us, but because I want to see more.

What is revival anyway? It used to be that a church would have on its calender a week long event every year where a special preacher would come and deliver messages on personal holiness (kind of a "camp experience" for adults) and call it "revival." That is not what I have in mind. God may use a week long event to bring revival but what I'm talking about is more organic and less structured.

Revival is the extraordinary awakening of desires for God within a church that liberates people from enslaving sins, causes hunger for God's Word, and emboldens the church's witness in the community.

I just want to say that last Sunday as Andy was teaching on the sin of homosexuality I sensed God breaking and humbling us over our own particular sins. During the Lord's Supper, I continued to sense God at work among us. I believe that these are gifts from God and initial flickers of revival. Revival always starts with an awareness of sin and a humbling before God.

I am so thankful. Keep praying!

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