Thursday, December 11, 2008

Waiting on Prayer

Should we expect revival, empowerment, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, bold witness without tarrying in prayer? Should we expect vibrancy, a passion for the supremacy of God in our midst without a devotion to prayer among us? All that we want for our church cannot be created by careful planning and programming. It is birthed by God through the prayers of His people. There are no substitutes. Jesus told His disciples how to pray and implied rather strongly that some blessings His Father desired to give were reserved for those who persevere in prayer (Luke 11:1-13). James 4:2 tells us that “we have not because we ask not.” I am quite sure we will be surprised to find out all that God would have supplied us if only we would have asked. I am concerned for us at Harvest. Numerical growth is wonderful but numbers can easily become a false hope for pastors and their people. We are full on a Sunday morning but scanty at prayer meetings. We are pumped for God in song but puny in prayer, and therefore vulnerable to the Devil’s attacks.

Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power on high (Luke 23:49). Later you find them in the upper room in Jerusalem “devoting themselves to prayer” (Acts 1:14). Waiting on God meant for them a devotion to prayer. Should we who long to see an outpouring of the Spirit in revival do any less? Even after Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church) the people gathered for prayer. Acts 2:42 tells us that “they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching…and to the prayers.” The way it is stated in the verse, “and to the prayers” indicates that there were set times when the saints gathered to pray. They gathered as a body to seek God, not just individually. This is what I’m pleading for at Harvest. Just so you know the state of things…

Men’s prayer meeting (Wednesday 6:00-7:00 a.m.) has around 8 guys committed to it. Our Sunday morning prayer (9:00-9:30 a.m.) has around 4 people committed to it. The women have their prayer meeting once a month with approximately 5 people showing up.

I am thankful that our Life Groups (Small Group ministry) are seeking to be devoted to prayer each time they gather and that prayer is offered at the beginning and end of every ministry meeting. This is a good start but only a start. What would it look like for Harvest to be devoted to prayer? What does it look like for you to be devoted to prayer?

I want our church to be a God-dependent praying church, don’t you? Join us and let’s get this thing ignited!

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