Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Thoughts

I have mixed thoughts and feelings today after staying up late watching the election results and I'm sure many of you have the same. I voted for John McCain because of his wisdom in foreign affairs - a pretty important topic given the fact that our troups are in Afghanistan and Iraq and the reality of global connectivity at almost every level among nations.

Another reason that I voted for John McCain is because of his Pro-Life postion (Barack Obama is radically Pro-Choice). Abortion is a dark evil in our land and this issue should be a deciding factor for Christians going to the polls. I also think of the Supreme Court Judges soon to retire which Barack will be able to replace with people with his ideology. This concerns me a great deal.

On the other hand, I cannot help smiling with joy that an Africa-American is going to be president of the United States when 45 years ago Barak Obama would have had to sit in the back of public transit, drink water from a different fountain, and be excluded from certain establishments. This moment in history has given hope to an oppressed people, people whose dreams have been suffocated for so many years. The sybolism of this moment is huge for them and for our country as illustrated in Barack's speech when he mentioned the 106 year old African-American woman who voted. When she was born, stories of the Civil War were still told by eyewitnesses, a woman could not vote and certainly not a black woman. This change is monumental and to be celebrated.

So, I'm sorrowful and rejoicing. Is that possible? I think so because we live in a fallen world. I am ultimately a citizen of heaven waiting for the true King to arrive to take me to a place where righteousness rules and the tension no longer exists. Until then we work and pray...

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