Thursday, August 28, 2008

Peer Discipleship - Sharpening Each Other

It's surprizing how many Christian friendships cruise along year after year without spending much time talking about Christ. Christ is the invisible assumption. "Oh yes, He is the center of our lives" they might say but no one is talking much about Him. There could be a lot of mutual encouragement going on but to do that, someone needs to introduce it into the relationship.

Can I suggest something? Read a book together and then discuss your discoveries taking a chapter at a time. You could say to your friend, "I need your help to become stronger in my faith and I was wondering if you would like to read this book with me. We could read a chapter then get together and talk about it. What do you think?"

Make your friendships an engine for spiritual group. Put Christ in the center of them. Below is a list of resources that would be good for starters:

Disciplines of a Godly Man - R. Kent Hughes
Disciplines of a Godly Woman - Barbara Hughes
Disciplines of a Godly Family - R. Kent Hughes and Barbara Hughes
Spritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - Donald S. Whitney

Sounds like a lot of discipline, doesn't it? Don't let the titles discourage you. These are awesome resources for laying good foundations in your life. Go ahead, call your friend right now...


Anonymous said...


I love that you want folks to read more theological books or discovery new insights while reading other material, but maybe you should put more emphasis on folks reading the bible and do everything they can to become more intune with THE GREATEST BOOK.

Remember, just like in blogasphere land here, everyone has an opinion, just like authors of great literary have their opinions, it doesn't mean they're right.

The only book without error as you know is the bible. The minute we start using all these other manmade sources of literarry, my opinion the bible and God's word gets watered down, taken out of context, paraphrased, etc...

Not saying all is bad, but not all is good either.

Think about it and comment if you want.


John Dirkse said...

No doubt the Good Book is the greatest, but there are also folks (authors) that have walked with God longer that can help us, instruct us. The body of Christ is in place for that reason. Books are like good Christian friends who disciple us.