Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday Meditation: Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 53:6 (ESV) - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

There is truth about our Savior that radiates with beauty from this verse.  This truth can be explored by three simple questions: (1) What have we done?; (2) What, therefore, do we deserve?; (3) How has God treated us?

(1) What have we done?

We’ve gone astray and turned to our own way.  As a lost sheep has wandered from its shepherd, so have we wandered from God.  He, as our Shepherd, has provided for us lush, green pastures of fellowship with Him, but in defiance we have preferred to graze in the God-belittling pastures of sin.  That we’ve gone astray from God is no accident; we’ve purposely turned away from God in pursuit of greener grass.

(2) What, therefore, do we deserve?

As a stray sheep is liable to the dangers of wandering off from the protective care of its shepherd (e.g., being eaten by ferocious animals), so are we subject to the consequences of our sinful straying.  The wages of sin is death, that is, eternal separation from God in hell.  As those who turn away from God we’re worthy of His wrath.  With this in mind, wouldn’t it be fitting for the verse to read as follows: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned--every one--to his own way; therefore, the Lord has laid on us the fierceness of His wrath”?

(3) How has God treated us?

Not as we deserve!  Isaiah finishes the second half of this verse in an amazing way.  Instead of using the word “therefore” he uses “and” (“but” would even be a better translation like the NASB).  We’re the sinful ones worthy of wrath, BUT God has not laid on us the judgment that we deserve.  Instead He has laid it on His Son, Jesus Christ.  Maybe a better question would have been, How has God treated His precious Son?  Answer: as WE deserve!

It is truths like these that we should allow our souls to feast on in preparation for Sunday’s celebration of our Savior’s resurrection.  As you’re absorbed with the cross your soul will soar as you sing, “Then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave He rose again!”

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