Sunday, January 20, 2008

My trip with James MacDonald

Last week I had the privilege of accompanying James MacDonald on a trip to my old stomping grounds, the Master's College and Seminary. He was asked to speak at the Truth and Life Conference hosted by the college. This was a first for James to speak in those circles so I was hoping to help him make a strong connection as best I could. The other reason for me going was to spend some time with him and learn from the man. We have had a blast. James never stops. His mind is always whirling and the sarcastic jokes are continually flying so you have to be on your toes.

Here's a picture of James in a Q/A time with conference speakers, John MacArthur and David Wells...
This is James teaching at the Master's Seminary...

This is me and my mother and father in law with James...

Here a picture of Andy and his wife with James at the conference...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.