Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why Life Groups, pt. 6

It encourages the use of spiritual gifts
It is amazing to me to see the wealth of gifts that God has given to the church. All of us have been given spiritual gifts to be used in building up the faith of others (1 Cor. 12:4-7) but we don’t all exercise them as we should. Some of the reticence is due to the notion that others are better equipped than we are and so we pull back and watch. We become spectators instead of participants. Life Groups make it harder to stay on the “sidelines” because there are no professionals to hand the responsibilities to. Spiritual gifts blossom in this environment, and when spiritual gifts blossom so do the lives of those participating (Eph. 4:16).


Anonymous said...

We have really felt the need for the body of Christ, and how His hands and feet care for one another, here at Racine Bible Church. I love our small groups for this reason. Thanks for your light shining from Rockford into our body over here.

John Dirkse said...

Hello fluffy! Nice to hear from you and Racine Bible Church. Thanks for you prayers and encouragements.

John Dirkse said...

Hello fluffy! Nice to hear from you and Racine Bible Church. Thanks for you prayers and encouragements.