Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Getting out of Debt

Last Saturday, I preached on "Eliminating My Debt. As I was researching the web for information, I found several things that were useful but I didn't include in the sermon. Take a look at these links...

Listen to Helen Nelson's testimony of how the Lord helped her out of debt:

Also, this article gives you principles to help you out of debt:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the article Pastor. As you may remember me, former Sarge in the military, but also hold an MBA and if a christian is suppose to surrender to god and follow OT rules of tithing, well they misunderstand the INTENT of tithing.

You give from your heart, but also you tithe what you are able to tithe.

You tithe your time, energy, assistant, etc... to the church and others, it is not just about money which many churches are turning Christianity into these days, all about dollars and cents.

Buildings, structures, etc... that church leaders are unwisely putting too much money into and folks really shoudn't be doing this to people.

I was overseas in Afghanistan, we saw people still using laterns, fire for heat, and buildings made from hand............so do we really need to buy 10 acres, have 500,000 plus dollars of money spent on things that could be more humbly procured, rather than expecting folks struggling in today's economy to put more into church salaries, more land, more buildings?

I don't think so, not the right approach.