Thursday, August 30, 2007

Re-launching the Church

We are heading into one the most exciting seasons in the life of our church and more than ever we need to keep our hearts focused on our mission. A church building and property are very useful towards the mission when we view them as tools – tools that can make us more effective in accomplishing the mission. They are no more and no less. In order to keep this before us during this crucial season, I will be preaching on our mission Sept. 9 followed by a message on prayer (Sept. 16) at the beginning of our Prayer Week (Sept. 16-21) and then begin a new series called Deliberate Devotion starting Sept. 23 that will run all the way till Nov. 11. This series will also help define us as a church.

Here’s how I would like us to frame this Fall in our minds: we are replanting/re-launching our church. All the things that you do and think about in the early days of a church plant we need to think about again. What do I mean by that? When things are fresh and new you tend to prayer, invite new people, evangelize, reach out to new visitors, and come early to church. Can we stir those things up among us this Fall?

Here’s my challenge for you as a member and fellow missionary:

Prayer team of 10
Form a team of 10 people outside HBC (family and friends) that will pray for this church and you specifically. Have this in place before Sept. 16 (start of our prayer week).

Cultivate a friendship with 1 unbeliever
Purpose to develop a relationship with an unbeliever in order to lead them to Jesus

Invite 5 new people to HBC
(Unbelievers); by Dec. 23, 2007

Meet 1 new person each Saturday PM

Come 10 minutes early on Saturday PM
Be ready as a missionary not a consumer who just watches things happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great challenges. I am not on anyone's team of 10 who pray, officially, but you and Bets know I pray.