Friday, October 9, 2009

Questions concerning Divine Election

Are we God's possession when He elects or when we believe?

I think this issue can be pictured as a coin with two sides – one side is God’s vantage point (which He has given us a tiny glimpse of) and the other side is our vantage point. From God’s point of view from eternity past, He elects/predestines those who will be saved and from that standpoint they are His by virtue of election. From our vantage point, we don’t know who God has elected until they believe in time, and from that viewpoint, they become His possession at the moment they believe.

Here’s the tension – Election is unconditional (without reference to deeds) yet justification is conditional (you must believe!). That’s how the Bible speaks about salvation. God elects before time without reference to our deeds (Eph. 1:4; Rom. 9:10-16) and we, in time, must believe the gospel if we are to escape judgment.

Here’s the bottom line: I must affirm both but I believe that God is the initiator of salvation because of the language of Eph. 1, Rom. 9. He is decisive in the saving enterprise and we respond in time because of what He has done.